Detail of the cella masonry with N peristyle of the temple in foreground, ...

Overview of W front of temple, from N looking S, Akragas, Temple of Concord

West entablature and pediment of the temple, from W, Temple of Concord, Ak...

East Facade, Temple of Concord, Agrigento, Akragas

Capitals and entablature at W end of the N peristyle, from NE, Temple of C...

North anta and entablature of the opisthodomos with columns of W peristyle...

Context: Akragas
Type: Temple
Summary: Temple; on the ridge marking the southern extent of the city, east of the Temple of Herakles.
Date: ca. 430 BC

16.23/16.91 x 39.44/39.35 (stylobate); 9.68 x 27.40 (cella)

Region: Sicily
Period: Classical

Architectural Order:



6 x 13; peripteral; pronaos and opisthodomos each distyle in antis; stairwells on either side of the entrance to the cella leading to attic space.

Date Description:

Angle contraction and other refinements


The temple was converted into a Christian church in the sixth century A.D., at which time the spaces between the columns were walled, the division between the cella and the opisthodomos was destroyed, and arches were cut into the cella walls. The blocks between the columns were removed in the 18th century. Due to its conversion, this temple is one of the best preserved Doric temples in existence. Its attribution to Concord is dubious.

Other Notes:

Double contraction on all four sides; subtle shifting to correct metope problem; openings above cella porches to relieve lintels; curvature of stylobate; entasis and slant of columns; uncarved metopes.

Other Bibliography:

D.S. Robertson 1969; Dinsmoor 1975; Guido 1967