Plan, Athens, Enneakrounos (SE Fountainhouse)

Southwest inside corner of structure, from NE, Athens, Enneakrounos (SE Fo...

Drainage pipe in NE corner of the Enneakrounos, from E, Athens, Enneakroun...

East section of the Enneakrounos, from W, Athens, Enneakrounos (SE Fountai...

Overall view of the Enneakrounos, from NE, Athens, Enneakrounos (SE Founta...

Northeast inside corner of structure, from W, Athens, Enneakrounos (SE Fou...

Context: Athens
Type: Fountainhouse
Summary: Rectangular building; in the southeast corner of the Agora.
Date: ca. 530 BC - 520 BC

6.8 m x 18.2 m.

Region: Attica
Period: Archaic


Divided into 3 sections, a central large room with a rectangular basin at its west end and a rectangular area at its east end where water could be taken directly from a spout. Colonnaded entrance of 3 columns opening north.


This building may have been the Enneakrounos, or nine-spouted fountainhouse, built by the Peisistratids. On literary evidence Camp locates the Enneakrounos south of the Acropolis, but agrees this is a fountain of the same period.

Other Bibliography:

Camp 1986, 42-43; Travlos 1971, 204

See Also: Athens, Kallirrhoe (SW Fountainhouse)