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Attis: frontal view

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Attis: view from right

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Attis: view from left

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Attis: right profile view

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Attis: view from right

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Attis, detail of torso and legs: three-quarter view from left

Collection: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Title: Attis
Summary: Attis holds a tragic mask over his head
Material: Bronze
Sculpture Type: Free-standing statue
Date: ca. 1 AD - ca. 300 AD
Dimensions: H 0.13 m
Scale: Miniature
Region: Asia Minor
Period: Roman Imperial

Subject Description: Attis, the Asiatic shepherd who, when unfaithful to the goddess Cybele, underwent self-castration, holds a tragic theatrical mask over his head. He wears a Phrygian cap, open trousers, and a long-sleeved, belted tunic that billows out behind him. The mask alludes to the religious festivals commemorating Attis's death and rebirth.

Form & Style: The mask and body are hollow at the back, indicating the statuette served as an applique.

Condition: Intact

Sources Used: Comstock & Vermeule 1971, 120 no. 127