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τὶς, τὶ , gen. τεύ, τεό, dat. (οὔ) τινι, τεῴ, τώ, pl. neut. ἄσσα: indef. pron. enclitic, some (any) one, some (any) thing; many a one, (every) one, Od. 19.265, Il. 2.388, 355; appended to adjectives, it makes them less precise, ὁπποἶ ἄσσα εἵματα, ‘about what sort of clothing,’ Od. 19.218.—Adv., τὶ, somewhat, in a degree, but adds force to a negation, οὔ τι, not at all, by no means; οὐδέ τι, nothing whatever, Od. 3.184.
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