
Address from Gen. Floyd to his army.

The following patriotic address has been issued by Gen. Floyd to his army:

General order no.--

Headquarters Army of Kanawha, Camp near Dublin Depot, December 26th, 1861.
Soldiers of the Army of the Kanawha:

The campaign in the Western portion of this State is now, as far as you are concerned, ended. At its close you can review it with pride and satisfaction. You first encountered the enemy five months since on his unobstructed march into the interior of the State. From that time until recalled from the field, you were engaged in perpetual warfare with him. Hard contested battles and skirmishes were matters of almost daily occurrence. Nor is it to be forgotten that laborious and arduous marches by day and by night were necessary, not only as furnishing you the opportunity of fighting there, but of baffling the foe at different points upon the march of invasion. And it is a fact which entitle you to the warm congratulations of your General, and to the thanks and gratitude or your country, that, in the most of the trying scenes through which you have passed, you have proved yourselves men and patriots, who, undaunted by superior numbers, have engaged the foe, beaten him in the field, and battled and frustrated him in his plans to surprise you. On all occasions, under all circumstances, your patriotism and courage have never faltered nor forsaken you. With inadequate transportation, often Illy clad, and with less than a full allowance of provisions, no private has ever uttered a complaint to his General. This fact was grateful to his feelings; and if your hardships have not been removed or alleviated by him, it has been because of his inability to do so But your exemplary and patriotic conduct has not passed unobserved nor unappreciated by the Government in whose cause we are all enlisted. It is an acknowledged fact that you have made fewer claims and imposed less trouble upon it than any army in the field, content to dare and to do, as becomes true soldiers and patriots.

Now, at the close of your laborious and eventful campaign, when you may have looked forward to a season of rest, your country has bestowed upon you the distinguished compliment of calling you to another field of action. That you will freely respond to this call, your past services, so cheerfully rendered, furnish the amplest assurance. Kentucky, in her hour of peril, appeals to Virginia, her mother, and to her sisters, for succor. This appeal is not unheeded by their gallant sons. The foot of the oppressor is upon her. Trusting in the cause of justice, we go to her relief, and with the help of Him who is its author, we will do our part in hurling back and chastising the oppressor who is desecrating her soil.

Soldiers your country — your friends whom you leave behind you — will expect you, in your new field of labor, to do your duty.

Remember that the eyes of the country are upon you, and that upon your action, in part, depends the result of the greatest struggle the world ever saw, involving not only your freedom, your property, and your lives, but the fate of political liberty everywhere.

Remembering this and relying upon Him who controls the destinies of nations, as of individuals, you need not fear the result.

By order.
Brig.-General John B. Floyd.
H. B. Davidson, Major and Assistant Adjutant General.

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