
[correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.]

Savannah, April 1st, 1862.
Since my last letter the people of this city have been so profoundly exercised on the question of the river defence and the floating battery, that I have not been able to devote the usual time to keep you posted on the events and occurrences transpiring in our neighborhood. Batteries are being rapidly placed in position on Tybee Island by the Federals, and on all points in the neighborhood affording a chance to reach the Fort.--Mortan batteries mounting heavy pieces, some believed by Gen. Pemberton to be of unusual weight and calibre, (I have been told by one who conversed with him that he does not doubt that twenty-inch mortars are in possession of the Yankees,) and further, the continual and steady advance and occupation of these points seem to show a determination on their part to make the attack on the fort before long.

It may be said that Pulacki is completely invested, and though the distance is great yet they have the means of reaching a greater range by their improved ordnance. Some shots fired at the fort have passed over it, and near half a mile beyond. The fort is well protected and the garrison is composed of men who will not be found wanting when the time of trial comes. I believe it capable of resisting or rather enduring such a bombardment successfully, but the besieged must be greatly harassed and annoyed by their continual fire.

We have not been altogether without some little episodes in the campaign about here. Although is would be difficult to rival the adventurous during of Morgan, we have the right spirit, and, of late, a terribly annoying and desultory style of warfare has been kept up on our foes, which they will find more harassing and troublesome and more difficult to repel than any other means hitherto adopted against them.

In Florida the Yankees met with a disaster, losing a large number out of their force landed, and four killed in the bargain. It was a most gallant exploit, and if we could obtain any really correct report of the affair, would be worthy of any amount of repetition. They compelled the officer in command of the gunboat to release seven negroes stolen by them before the privilege of burying their dead had been accorded, and finally they gave to the gallows the negro fellow who piloted them in. In South Carolina they captured a party of Lincolnites, belonging to a Pennsylvania regiment, which, after having refused to yield, had one killed and two wounded, though discretion the better part of valor and succumbed. Edisto Island, on which they were captured, is a kind of debatable ground, and the large force which the Yankees maintain there, proves the daring and courage of those who assail their pickets within such easy distance of their camp.

We had thought that the times were not propitious for like enterprisesoin Georgia, but no sooner had the idea crossed my mind than the 13th Georgia regiment proves it unwarranted. Yesterday a scouting party from that regiment passed from Whitemarsh across to Wilmington Island, and fortunately came up with a load of Yankees, whom they soon disposed of satisfactorily, having killed one, mortally wounded two, and captured eighteen, together with their barge and a six pound bronze gun. The enemy will become so wary after a while I fear our boys will not be able to approach them within good rifle distance.

There have been many reports afloat about the city relative to an attack on Fort Pulasid. I have already mentioned my source of information, but am not aware that General Pemberton has any certain means of acquiring a knowledge of the movements of the Yankees, except from his more extended and accurate field of observation. It is certain that a recently captured German, belonging to the 48th New York regiment, had a letter about him not finished, but intended for his wife in Baltimore, stating that on Friday next Fort Pulaski would be attacked, also detailing the proposed campaign from its successful bombardment, the immediate advance upon and capture of the city, and the equally brilliant and sudden occupation of Charleston. How much credit is to be attached to these rumore I am unable to say, but I am not inclined to place confidence upon any such ratiocinations, for they have no more substantial foundation when the day and hour is assigned.

Heavy guns were heard during this forenoon but it is not yet known whence it proceeded; it was thought that it came from Causten's Bluff.

The debate in Congress some time since, and the resolution offered relative to the withdrawal of our Ministers at foreign Courts, and the notification of the cessation of all authority under their old exequators received from the United States, has drawn subjugation to the subject. People begin to appreciate the position that England and France occupy in regard to us, and the motive for their inaction. Our pride demands that these officials, who really possess no authority, should not longer be allowed to assume it, and to act upon it, in many cases to the detriment of our cause and interference with our internal regulations. They have granted to many, in different parts of the country, a claim to British protection who have for years resided in our midet, claimed the right of suffrage, and even held offices. I cannot speak of such renegades, who put off their allegiance, and with it their honor, as they would an old garment; but the means of accomplishing it should be removed. Why should we respect an authority that does not show us the respect which is due. Englishmen come over and accumulate massive fortunes, dwell among us, receive the protection of our laws, and in the time of trial deny the sligh test service which is demanded of them. Is this to be endured with patience? We would not institute a Mexican code, but we can require all those who are not with us to leave the country, in conformity with the usage of nations. There are not wanting instances of protection being granted to men born within the Confederate States on the simple oath of the party demanding it, while abundant evidence might be produced of the place of his nativity. Let the Government act with the people. We seek no longer foreign interference with either the blockade or the war. Let England and France understand we care not how long they defer the day.

On Thursday, the 3d, a new draft will be called for from Chatham county, that of the 4th ult, not having been filled to the required member. If it shall be conducted fairly and impartially few will complain. As the last stood, none but the Irish and Germans of Savannah were drafted.

Gen. Walker has been extremely ill for a week past, from an attack of pneumonia, but I am glad to add that be is reported convalescent. The loss of one so well known, and whose services deserve so much honor from Georgia, would be a servere blow to the State, but Providence kindly extends protection in our need over all our heroes. Should no change take place, we trust soon to see the General again at the head of his brigade, ready to lead where "glory waits him"--the battlefield.

I am in receipt of a letter from Charleston, is which I am advised of the successful evasion of the blockade. The writer thinks the enterprising beads that carry out this adventurous business, deserve the thanks of the Confederacy, and are, indeed, public benefactors. Three merchants of Charleston are enabled to keep up their supplies, the cargoes being disposed of at auction.

We are getting quite alarmed here about provisions. Our markets are in a most desperately collapsed state. Butter is nearly impossible to obtain at 75 cents per lb., and every other commodity is becoming scarce. With all this the Jews are purchasing sterling bills at 50 per cent, discount, paying 25 for the rate in gold, worth 25 more. This is evincing a prudent foresigh against a rainy day. 75 has been paid. One would think the thrifty race could not give up the plethoric bag and would insure themselves.


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