Collection: Athens, Acropolis Museum
Title: Relief decorated statue base
Context: From Athens
Findspot: Found at Acropolis, east of Parthenon (in 1839)
Summary: Zeus, Agathe Tyche, and probably Philia
Object Function: Unknown
Material: Marble
Sculpture Type: Statue base, relief-decorated
Category: Separated fragments
Style: Late Classical
Technique: Low relief
Original or Copy: Original
Date: ca. 360 BC - ca. 350 BC
Dimensions: H. 0.28 m; W. 0.545 m; Th. 0.54 m; D. (relief) 0.0075 m
Scale: Miniature (pictorial field)
Region: Attica
Period: Late Classical

Subject Description: Bearded Agathos Daimon (feet missing), standing near profile to the right, with his weight on his left leg, his right leg relaxed, wearing a long, sleeved chiton with v-shaped folds at the neck, a himation draped around his lower body and over his bent left arm, and a taenia, cradles a large, filled keras in his bent left arm, and raises his right hand slightly, palm facing out; Agathe Tyche (missing knees and below), standing nearly frontal (slightly to the left), with her weight on her right leg, her left leg relaxed, wearing a peplos (?) with v-shaped folds on the chest, and a himation wrapped around her lower body, rolled around her waist, and draped over her head and her left arm, obscuring her left hand, the back of which rests on her waist, holds in her right hand part of her veil (in an anakalypsis gesture) over her right shoulder; another female (?) figure (perhaps Philia, missing head and shoulders and below knees), standing near frontal, with weight on (her) right leg, left leg relaxed, wearing a short-sleeved, high-belted chiton, and a himation draped over her left shoulder and around her lower body, rising diagonally, falling over the bent left arm (heavily eroded), rests the back (?) of her right hand on her hip.

Form & Style: A dedicatory inscription is carved in two or three lines above figures, best preserved at the left portion of the relief.

Condition: Nearly complete

Condition Description: A single fragment, preserving ca. half of the upper and lower surfaces, and most of all four sides; the underside has two circular pits (from reuse as a threshold block?), one of which (diam. 0.09 m; D. 0.028 m) is spaced 0.135 m from the back, 0.09 m from right side; the second (diam. 0.08 m; D. 0.022 m) is spaced 0.075 m from the front, and 0.215 m from the right side, broken at the front by hole (diam. 0.08 m, D. 0.5 m), flush with the front (under the figure of Tyche) and 0.215 m from the left edge); the block is broken most severely on the upper front and right side, including the top right corner; a small part of the upper left corner is broken, along with part of the inscription; right upper corner broken off; back and bottom rough picked; the other three sides and top are worked smooth with a claw chisel, including the background of the relief frieze; surface slightly cracked and scratched; marble spalling on right edge; deep rectangular cutting (L. 0.202 m, W. 0.252 m, D. 0.047 m) on the upper surface, the bottom of which is rough picked; stained yellow in large patches.

Material Description: White, medium- to fine-grained micaceous marble

Inscription: *I[...]*A*N*E*Q*H*K[...*A*G*A*Q*O *D[*A*I*M*W]*N [*A*G]*A[*Q*H] *T*U*X*H

Sources Used: Kosmopoulou 1996, 173-74, cat. 17; LIMC, 1.278 s.v. Agathodaimon no. 4 (F. Dunand); Hamdorf 1964, 97 no. 287f, 100 no. 323,119 no. 484a; Walter 1923, 18, 184-86 no. 391 (ill.); Sybel 1881, 414 no. 6740; Schöne 1872, 55 no. 109, pl. 26; CRPétersb 1859, 11