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Acropolis Kore 643, frontal view

Collection: Athens, Acropolis Museum
Title: Acropolis Kore 643
Context: From Athens, Acropolis
Findspot: Found at Athens, Acropolis
Summary: Head from statue of maiden
Material: Marble
Sculpture Type: Free-standing statue: kore
Category: Single sculpture
Style: Late Archaic
Technique: In-the-round
Original or Copy: Original
Date: ca. 510 BC
Dimensions: H. 0.14 m
Scale: Under life-size
Region: Attica
Period: Late Archaic

Subject Description: Head from a kore statue. Oval face with well integrated features, although depressions around mouth and outer corners of lips still give the hint of an archaic smile. Eyeballs carved and slightly protruding, tear ducts fully formed, upper lid curved. Hair formed soft frame around face with fairly loose waves. Stephane (on repaired section) with holes for attachment.

Form & Style: Development of features suggests a date toward the end of the 6th century, perhaps not as late as the last decade.

Condition: Head only (nearly complete)

Condition Description: Only the head is preserved. The top/back of head is worked in a separate piece. Since the marble is different and the carving more cursory it is probably a repair. Tip of nose broken away.

Material Description:

Parian Marble

Sources Used: Brouskari 1974, 66-7; Richter 1968, 82 no. 128, figs. 417-19; Boardman 1978a, 86