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Acropolis Kore 670, frontal view

Collection: Athens, Acropolis Museum
Title: Acropolis Kore 670
Context: From Athens, Acropolis
Findspot: Found at Athens, Acropolis
Summary: Statue of maiden
Material: Marble
Sculpture Type: Free-standing statue: kore
Category: Single sculpture
Style: Late Archaic
Technique: In-the-round
Original or Copy: Original
Date: ca. 520 BC - ca. 500 BC
Dimensions: H. 1.15 m
Scale: Under life-size
Region: Attica
Period: Late Archaic

Subject Description: Statue of maiden, of somewhat unusual dress and pose. Wears only a chiton which is belted (unseen), thus forming an overfold/kolpos which extends to the top of the legs. Left leg advanced. Right arm extended. Left arm reaches across the front of the body to grasp the lower portion of the chiton, gathering it in front of her in order to clear her feet. This is a variation on the side-gathered motif, a gesture which had become formulaic by this period and barely reflected the real gesture it once imitated. Hair forms a pattern of waves around forehead, but relatively simple. Long tresses fall forward; the mass in back is much more simply delineated. Facial features are softly modulated, but her mouth retains trace of an archaic smile. Outer corners of lips cut into face. The right forearm is of Pentelic marble.

Form & Style: Sculptor is interested in showing the forms of the body beneath the drapery, as well as playing with variations on the usual theme. The variation on the skirt gathering is abstracted in a manner similar to the more usual motif, thus creating fans of fold-lines, simply in a different pattern. The profile of the body is now clearer from both sides. However, the gathered mass of drapery accentuates the central axis and makes the figure appear top-heavy. The experiment was not often repeated; there is one other example from the Acropolis. The face also exhibits a development toward increased naturalism. Langlotz attributed this kore to the sculptor of the Athena of the Gigantomachy pediment.

Condition: Nearly complete

Condition Description: Broken at ankles. Lacking only feet, right hand, tip of chin and nose.

Material Description: Island marble

Sources Used: Stewart 1990, 124; Boardman 1978a, 85-6; Ridgway 1977, 93; Brouskari 1974, 70-1; Richter 1968, 76 no. 119, figs. 377-80; Agora XI, 18