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Hero with kantharos and snake

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum
Title: Relief showing hero with kantharos and snake
Context: Probably from Sparta
Findspot: Said to be from Sparta
Summary: Hero with kantharos and snake
Object Function: Unknown
Material: Marble?
Sculpture Type: Stele, relief-decorated
Category: Single monument
Technique: Very low relief
Original or Copy: Original
Date: ca. 450 BC
Dimensions: H. 0.27 m; W. 0.15 m
Scale: Miniature (pictorial field)
Region: Laconia
Period: High Classical

Subject Description: Within the unframed relief stands a bearded hero, profile to the right, with his weight on his left leg, and his bent right leg advancing. He wears a long himation draped over his left shoulder and arm. In his lowered left hand he holds a piece of fruit, perhaps a pomegranate. In his outstretched right hand he holds a kantharos. In the left field rises a snake, whose head peers over the top of the kantharos.

Condition: Nearly complete

Sources Used: Svoronos 1903-12, 361-62, pl. 66