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dējectus , ūs, m. deicio,
I.a casting or throwing down (rare; not in Cic.).
I. In gen.: “arborum,Liv. 9, 2: “gravis (Penei),fall, Ov. M. 1, 571; cf. “fluminum,Sen. Cons. ad Marc. 18: “aquae,id. Ep. 56; and absol., Plin. 33, 4, 21, § 75; cf. Vitr. 6, 3.—
B. Concr., that which is thrown over, a covering: “velatum geminae dejectu lyncis,Stat. Th. 4, 272.—
II. Esp., of localities (acc. to dejectus, P. a., I.), a declivity, descent: “collis,Caes. B. G. 2, 22: “in dejectu positus,Plin. 2, 70, 71, § 179. In plur.: “collis ex utraque parte lateris dejectūs habebat,Caes. B. G. 2, 8, 3.—
B. Transf., the lowering of the voice, = Gr. θέσις (opp. elatio, = Gr. ἄρσις), Plin. Fulg. Myth. 3, 9, p. 129.
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hide References (7 total)
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (7):
    • Caesar, Gallic War, 2.22
    • Caesar, Gallic War, 2.8.3
    • Livy, The History of Rome, Book 9, 2
    • Ovid, Metamorphoses, 1.571
    • Vitruvius, On Architecture, 6.3
    • Seneca, Epistulae, 56
    • Statius, Thebias, 4
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