Stele of Sosinos, head and torso of Sosinos

Stele of Sosinos, center part of inscription

Stele of Sosinos, left part of inscription

Stele of Sosinos, detail of legs, feet and klismos

Stele of Sosinos, general view

Stele of Sosinos, right part of inscription

Collection: Paris, Musée du Louvre
Title: Stele of Sosinos
Findspot: Said to be from Athens (Piraeus?)
Summary: Sosinos seated with objects of his profession
Object Function: Funerary
Material: Marble
Sculpture Type: Stele, relief-decorated
Category: Single monument
Style: High Classical
Technique: Low relief
Original or Copy: Original
Date: ca. 410 BC - ca. 375 BC
Dimensions: H. 0.955 m; W. 0.62 m; D. 0.13 m
Scale: Under life-size
Region: Attica
Period: High Classical

Subject Description: Sosinos, the deceased, sits facing right but turned slightly toward the viewer. He is a mature man, with curly hair and a beard. He wears a himation and boots. The short inscription states that he was a copper smelter from Gortyn. Around him are objects associated with his profession. The staff-like object in his left hand is probably a tool, perhaps a poker. The round objects have been interpreted both as ingots and as bellows (in which case the roughened surface within the rim is seen as leather). The flat objects on the ground may be part of the bellows. The representation is thus highly personal and must have been specially commissioned. The longer inscription, in elegiac verse, says that the memorial was erected by his children and honors his justice, good sense and virtue. The frame of the relief is treated as a fully developed naiskos with antae, a lintel, an eave, and antefixes. Sosinos sits in front of it. The back of the chair, his himation, right arm and right foot overlap the front of the stelae.

Form & Style:

The stele is framed by antae supporting an architrave below a roof sima, decorated with seven antefixes.

Date Description: Suggested dates have ranged from the late 5th century through the first quarter of the 4th century. Clairmont argued most recently for a later date, i.e. ca. 380 to 375 BC, but Daux, Stupperich and Vierneisel-Schlörb have challenged that assessment and support a date around 400 BC or slightly earlier

Condition: Intact

Condition Description: Complete in the main. Minimal damage to the surface, especially the edges of the stele.

Material Description: Pentelic marble (Hamiaux)


On the geison: *S*W*S*I*N*O*S *G*O*R*T*U*N*I*O*S *X*A*L*K*O*P*T*H*S, "Sosinos of Gortyn the chalkoptes (copper smelter)." Just below, on the architrave an elegiac couplet in two lines: *M*N*H*M*A *D*I*K*A*I*O*S*U*N*H*S *K*A*I *S*W*F*R*O*S*U*N*H*S *A*R*E*T*H*S *T*E *S*W*S*I*N*O *E*S*T*H*S*A*N *P*A*I*D*E*S *A*P*O*F*Q*I*M*E*N*O, "A memorial to the justice, good sense, and virtue of Sosinos was set up by his children when he died."

Inscription Bibliography: IG II / III (2) 8464

Collection History: Attic, according to a manuscript of Fauvel, cited by Conze. Earlier in the collection of Fauvel. Purchased in 1817 (along with other reliefs), for the Musée Royale (which later became the Louvre), by Count Forbin, who was in Greece in 1817-1818, then Director General of the Museum

Sources Used: Hamiaux 1992, no. 140; Vierneisel-Schlörb 1988, 14; Boardman 1985a, fig. 158; Stupperich 1977, 181; Robertson 1975, 363, 365; Daux 1972, 525; Clairmont 1970, no. 15; Frel 1970b, 368; Braun 1966, 17; Dohrn 1957, 167; Friis Johansen 1951, 14; Diepolder 1931, 27; Conze 1893-1922, 2.618, pl.119

Other Bibliography: Clairmont 1993, 1.258-60, cat. 1.202 (ill.)