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C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War 174 0 Browse Search
Cornelius Tacitus, The History (ed. Alfred John Church, William Jackson Brodribb) 54 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 24 0 Browse Search
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, The Lives of the Caesars (ed. Alexander Thomson) 8 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 6 0 Browse Search
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, The Lives of the Caesars (ed. Alexander Thomson) 4 0 Browse Search
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, The Lives of the Caesars (ed. Alexander Thomson) 4 0 Browse Search
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, The Lives of the Caesars (ed. Alexander Thomson) 4 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 2 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 2 0 Browse Search
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M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 1, line 291 (search)
strength thou didst refrain 'From using it. Hadst thou no trust in us? 'While the hot life-blood fills these glowing veins, ' While these strong arms avail to hurl the lance, 'Wilt thou in peace endure the Senate's rule? 'Is civil conquest then so base and vile? 'Lead us through Scythian deserts, lead us where 'The inhospitable Syrtes line the shore 'Of Afric's burning sands, or where thou wilt: 'This hand, to leave a conquered world behind, 'Held firm the oar that tamed the Northern Sea And Rhine's swift torrent foaming to the main. 'To follow thee fate gives me now the power: 'The will was mine before. No citizen 'I count the man 'gainst whom thy trumpets sound. 'By ten campaigns of victory, I swear, 'By all thy triumphs, bid me plunge the sword 'In sire or brother or in pregnant spouse, By this unwilling hand the deed were done: 'Bid spoil the gods and set the fanes ablaze, Great Juno's shrine were kindled with our fires; 'Bid plant our arms o'er Tuscan Tiber's stream, 'Italian lan
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 1, line 396 (search)
ples 'neath the Northern Star In this their false belief; for them no fear Of that which frights all others: they with hands And hearts undaunted rush upon the foe And scorn to spare the life that shall return. Ye too depart who kept the banks of Rhine Safe from the foe, and leave the Teuton tribes Free at their will to march upon the world. When strength increased gave hope of greater deeds Caesar dispersed throughout Italia's bounds His countless bands, and filled the neighbouring towns. Thenthrong that sweeps along the land.' Nor as they knew him do they paint the chief, But stronger than the truth, and pitiless And fiercer far-as from his conquered foes Advancing; in his rear the peoples march, Snatched from their homes between the Rhine and Alps, To sack the city while her sons look on. Thus each man's panic thought swells rumour's lie: They fear the phantoms they themselves create. Nor did the terror seize the crowd alone: But fled the Fathers, to the Consuls Plutarch says the
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 2, line 1 (search)
Thus sorrow stirs itself. Meanwhile the men in seeking either camp And marching onward in the path to war, Address the cruel gods in just complaint. Happy the youths who born in Punic days On Cannae's uplands or by Trebia's stream Fought and were slain! What wretched lot is ours! No peace we ask for: let the nations rage; Rouse fiercest cities! may the world find arms To wage a war with Rome: let Parthian hosts Rush forth from Susa; Scythian Ister curb ' No more the Massagete: unconquered Rhine ' Let loose from furthest North her fair-haired tribes: ' Elbe, pour thy Suevians forth! Let us be foes ' Of all the peoples. May the Getan press ' Here, and the Dacian there; Pompeius meet 'The Eastern archers, Caesar in the West ' Confront th' Iberian. Leave to Rome no hand ' To raise against herself in civil strife. ' Or, if Italia by the gods be doomed, ' Let all the sky, fierce Parent, be dissolved 'And falling on the earth in flaming bolts, ' Their hands still bloodless, strike both l
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 2, line 526 (search)
Let me be elder, if his soldiers are. ' The highest point a citizen can reach ' And leave his people free, is mine: a throne ' Alone were higher; whoso would surpass ' Pompeius, aims at that. Both Consuls stand ' Here; here for battle stand your lawful chiefs: ' And shall this Caesar drag the Senate down? ' Not with such blindness, not so lost to shame ' Does Fortune rule. Does he take heart from Gaul, ' For years on years rebellious, and a life ' Spent there in labour? or because he fled ' Rhine's icy torrent and the shifting pools ' He calls an ocean? or unchallenged sought ' Britannia's cliffs; then turned his back in flight? ' Or does he boast because his citizens ' Were driven in arms to leave their hearths and homes? 'Ah, vain delusion! not from thee they fled: ' My steps they follow-mine, whose conquering signs ' Swept all the ocean,In B.C. 67, Pompeius swept the pirates off the seas. The whole campaign did not last three months. and who, ere the moon ' Twice filled her orb
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 3, line 1 (search)
poured their plenty on Hesperia's shores. Not even Libya, with its fertile soil, Their yield surpasses, when the southern wind Gives way to northern and permits the clouds To drop their moisture on the teeming earth. This ordered, Caesar leads his legions on, Not armed for war, but as in time of peace Returning to his home. Ah! had he come With only Gallia conquered and the North,It may be remarked that, in B.C. 46, Caesar, after the battle of Thapsus, celebrated four triumphs: for his victories over the Gauls, Ptolemaeus, Pharnaces, and Juba. What long array of triumph had he brought! What pictured scenes of battle! how had Rhine And Ocean borne his chains! How noble Gaul, And Britain's fair-haired chiefs his lofty car Had followed! Such a triumph had he lost By further conquest. Now in silent fear They watched his marching troops, nor joyful towns Poured out their crowds to welcome his return. Yet did the conqueror's proud soul rejoice, Far more than at their love, at such a fear.
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 4, line 1 (search)
ars back the inflowing ocean. Nor does night Acknowledge Phoebus' rise, for all the sky Feels her dominion and obscures its face, And darkness joins with darkness. Thus doth lie The lowest earth beneath the snowy zone And never-ending winters, where the sky Is starless ever, and no growth of herb Sprouts from the frozen earth; but standing ice Tempers The idea is that the cold of the poles tempers the heat of the equator. the stars which in the middle zone Kindle their flames. Thus, Father of the world, And thou, O trident-god who rul'st the sea Second in place, Neptunus, load the air With clouds continual; forbid the tide, Once risen, to return : forced by thy waves Let rivers backward run in different course, Thy shores no longer reaching; and the earth, Shaken, make way for floods. Let Rhine o'erflow And Rhone their banks; let torrents spread afield Unmeasured waters: melt Rhipaean snows: Spread lakes upon the land, and seas profound, And snatch the groaning world from civil war.
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 4, line 583 (search)
former year, When Curio all things human and the godsCurio was tribune in B.C. 50. His earlier years are stated to have been stained with vice. Polluted, he by tribune law essayed To ravish Libya from the tyrant's sway, And drive the monarch from his father's throne, While giving Rome a king. To Juba thus, Still smarting at the insult, came the war, A welcome harvest for his crown retained. These rumours Curio feared: nor had his troops (Ta'en in Corfinium's hold) Book II., 535. in waves of Rhine Been tested, nor to Caesar in the wars Had learned devotion: wavering in their faith, Their second chief they doubt, their first betrayed. Yet when the general saw the spirit of fear Creep through his camp, and discipline to fail, And sentinels desert their guard at night, Thus in his fear he spake : ' By daring much ' Fear is disguised; let me be first in arms, 'And bid my soldiers to the plain descend, While still my soldiers. Idle days breed doubt. ' By fight forestall the plot.Preferrin
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 5, line 237 (search)
d:Reading galeam, with Francken, not glebam. ' Rather to feel the dear one's last embrace, ' And gain a humble but a separate tomb. 'Let sickness end old age. If Caesar's slaves, ' Let something more than battle be our doom. ' Deem'st thou we are thy dupes? that we alone ' In civil war are ignorant what crime ' Will fetch the highest price? What thou canst dare ' These years have proved, or nothing; law divine ' Nor human ordinance shall hold thine hand. 'He was our leader on the banks of Rhine; ' Now is our equal; for the stain of crime ' Makes all men like. And for a judge ingrate ' We waste our valour; for as fortune's gift ' He takes the victory which our arms have won: 'But we his fortunes are, his fates are ours 'To fashion as we will. Boast that the gods ' Shall do thy bidding! Nay, thy soldiers' will ' Shall close the war.' With threatening mien and speech Thus through the camp the troops demand their chief. When faith and loyalty are fled, and hope For aught but evil, thu
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 7, line 337 (search)
es and spoke thy doom. And now the Indian fears the axe no more Once emblem of thy power, now no more The girded Consul curbs the Getan horde, Or in Sarmatian furrows guides the share:That is, marked out the new colony with a plough-share. This was regarded as a religious ceremony, and therefore performed by the Consul with his toga worn in ancient fashion. Still Parthia boasts her triumphs unavenged: Foul is the public life; and Freedom, fled To furthest Earth beyond the Tigris stream, And Rhine's broad river, wandering at her will 'Mid Teuton hordes and Scythian, though by sword Sought, yet returns not. Would that from the day When Romulus, aided by the vulture's flight, Ill-omened, raised within that hateful grove Rome's earliest walls, down to the crimsoned field In dire Thessalia fought, she ne'er had known Italia's peoples! Did the Bruti strike In vain for liberty? Why laws and rights Sanctioned by all the annals designate With consular titles? Happier far the Medes And blest A
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 8, line 331 (search)
that fell defeat in eastern lands ' Still stirs thy heart, then double is the shame 'First to have waged the war upon ourselves, ' Then ask the foe for succour. For what blame ' Can rest on thee or Caesar worse than this, 'That in the clash of conflict ye forgot ' For Crassus' slaughtered troops the vengeance due? 'First should united Rome upon the Mede 'Have poured her captains, and the troops who guard 'The northern frontier from the Dacian hordes; 'And all her legions should have left the Rhine 'Free to the Teuton, till the Parthian dead ' Were piled in heaps upon the sands that hide ' Our heroes slain; and haughty Babylon 'Lay at her victor's feet. To this foul peace 'We pray an end; and if Thessalia's day 'Has closed our warfare, let the conqueror march 'Straight on our Parthian foe. Then should this heart, 'Then only, leap at Caesar's triumph won. 'Go thou and pass Araxes' chilly stream 'On this thine errand; and the mournful ghost 'Pierced by the Scythian shaft shall greet thee