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Troy (Turkey) 50 0 Browse Search
Greece (Greece) 46 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge).

Found 318 total hits in 85 results.

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Ilium (Turkey) (search for this): card 1495
Chorus May you come at last, speeding over your horses' path through the sky, sons of Tyndareus, under the whirling of the radiant stars; you who dwell in heaven, Helen's rescuers, go over the gray-green swell and the dark gray surge of sea-waves, sending the sailors favoring breezes from Zeus; and cast away from your sister her ill-fame from marriage with a barbarian, the punishment she received from the contest on Ida; but she never went to the land of Ilion, to the towers of Phoebus.
Chorus Oh, that we had wings to cleave the air, where the birds of Libya go in their ranks, leaving the winter rain, obedient to the piping of their veteran leader, who raises his exultant cry as he wings his way over unmoistened and crop-bearing plains of the earth. O you winged long-necked comrades of the racing clouds, go on beneath the Pleiades in their central station and Orion of the night; deliver the message, as you settle on Eurotas' banks, that Menelaos has sacked the city of Dardanos, and will come home.
Libya (Libya) (search for this): card 1478
Chorus Oh, that we had wings to cleave the air, where the birds of Libya go in their ranks, leaving the winter rain, obedient to the piping of their veteran leader, who raises his exultant cry as he wings his way over unmoistened and crop-bearing plains of the earth. O you winged long-necked comrades of the racing clouds, go on beneath the Pleiades in their central station and Orion of the night; deliver the message, as you settle on Eurotas' banks, that Menelaos has sacked the city of Dardanos, and will come home.
Hermione (Greece) (search for this): card 1465
Chorus Perhaps you may find the daughters of Leukippos beside the swell of the river or before the temple of Pallas, when at last you join in the dances or the revels of Hyakinthos in night-long joy—Hyakinthos, whom Phoebus killed with the round discus, contesting for the farthest throw—a day of the sacrifice of oxen in the Lakonian land; the son of Zeus declared that his race would be honored; and you may find the girl whom you left at home, Hermione, for as yet no torch has lit the way to her marri
Sidon (Lebanon) (search for this): card 1451
Chorus O swift Phoenician ship of Sidon, dear to the surging waves, mother of the oar, leader of the lovely dancing of dolphins, when the sea is clear of breezes and Ocean's gray-green daughter, spirit of calm, says these words: “Spread your sails to the sea-breezes, as you go on your way, grasp your oars of pine, oh! sailors, sailors, speeding Helen on her way to the shore with good harbor, where once Perseus lived.
Mount Ida (Jamaica) (search for this): card 1319
Chorus When the mother ceased from her wild wandering toil, searching for the treacherous rape of her daughter, she crossed the snow-capped heights of the nymphs of Mount Ida; and in sorrow cast herself down in the rocky woods deep in snow; and, by not making fruitful with crops the barren fields of the earth for mortals, she destroyed the human race. She would not send forth the rich nourishment of leafy tendrils for the herds, and life was leaving the cities. No sacrifice was offered to the gods, and on the altars were no cakes to burn; she made the dew-fed springs of clear water cease flowing, the avenger in sorrow for her child.
Greece (Greece) (search for this): card 1250
let them fall into the waves? Menelaos A ship must be ready, and rowers. Theoklymenos How far from the shore does the ship put out? Menelaos So far that the foam in her wake can scarcely be seen from the land. Theoklymenos But why? Why does Hellas observe this custom. Menelaos So that the waves may not wash pollution back ashore. Theoklymenos A swift Phoenician ship will be there. Menelaos That would be well done, and pleasing to Menelaos, too. Theoklymenos Can you not perform these rid husband could not return to life. Menelaos This is your duty, young woman; you must be content with the husband at your side, and let go the one that no longer exists; for this is best for you, according to what has happened. And if I come to Hellas and find safety, I will put to an end your former bad reputation, if you are such a wife as you ought to be to your husband. Helen I will; my husband will never find fault with me; you yourself will be at hand to know it. Now go inside, unhappy
Troy (Turkey) (search for this): card 1206
less rocks of Libya. Theoklymenos How did this man not perish if he was sailing with him? Helen There are times when common men have more luck than their betters. Theoklymenos Where did he leave the wreckage of his ship before coming here? Helen Where ruin may come upon it— but not on Menelaos! Theoklymenos He is already ruined. In what ship did this man come? Helen Sailors happened to meet him and took him up, as he says. Theoklymenos Where then is that evil creature that was sent to Troy in your place? Helen You mean the cloud image? It has gone into the air. Theoklymenos O Priam, and Trojan lands, how you have perished in vain! Helen I too have shared misfortunes with Priam's race. Theoklymenos Did he leave your husband unburied, or did he hide him in the earth? Helen He is unburied; I am so unhappy in my troubles! Theoklymenos It is for this that you have cut your locks of golden hair? Helen Yes, for he is dear to me, whoever he is, being here. Theoklymenos She ri
Greece (Greece) (search for this): card 1206
us make a truce; be reconciled to me. Theoklymenos I relinquish my quarrel with you; may it go away on wings. Helen Now by your knees, since you are indeed a friend— Theoklymenos What thing do you hunt after, that you stretch out a suppliant hand to me? Helen I wish to bury my dead husband. Theoklymenos What? Is there a tomb for the absent? Or will you bury a shadow? Helen It is customary among the Hellenes, whenever someone dies at sea— Theoklymenos To do what? The race of Pelops is certainly clever in such matters. Helen To carry out the funeral rites in empty woven robes. Theoklymenos Hold the funeral; set up the tomb wherever you wish. Helen We do not give burial like this to sailors who have perished. Theoklymenos How then? I know nothing of the customs in Hellas. Helen We take out of harbor to the sea all that is the dead man's due. Theoklymenos Then what am I to give you for the dead man? Helen This man knows, but I have no experience, as I was fortunate bef
Libya (Libya) (search for this): card 1206
Theoklymenos What is this man's country, and where did he come from, to land here? Helen He is a Hellene, one of the Achaeans who saiIed with my husband. Theoklymenos What kind of death does he say Menelaos died? Helen The most piteous, in the watery waves at sea. Theoklymenos On what part of the barbarous ocean was he sailing? Helen He was cast up on the harborless rocks of Libya. Theoklymenos How did this man not perish if he was sailing with him? Helen There are times when common men have more luck than their betters. Theoklymenos Where did he leave the wreckage of his ship before coming here? Helen Where ruin may come upon it— but not on Menelaos! Theoklymenos He is already ruined. In what ship did this man come? Helen Sailors happened to meet him and took him up, as he says. Theoklymenos Where then is that evil creature that was sent to Troy in your place? Helen You mean the cloud image? It has gone into the air. Theoklymenos O Priam, and Trojan lands, how you
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