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أَصْلٌ ذ The lower, or lowest, part of a thing; [i. e. its root, bottom, or foot;] (M, Msb, K;) as also ↓ يَأْصُولٌ : (M, K:) so of a mountain: and of a wall; (TA;) i. e. its foundation, or base: (Msb:) and of a tree [or plant]; (TA;) i. e. [its stem, or trunk, or stock, or] the part from which the branches are broken off: (TA in art. كسر:) [and also its root, or foot; for] the سَاق of a tree is said to be the part between its أَصْل and the place where its branches shoot out: (TA in art. سوق:) [and a stump of a tree: and hence, a block of wood: (see exs. voce نَقِيرٌ:)] pl. أُصُولٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and [pl. of pauc.] آصُلٌ: (AHn, K:) [ISd says that] the former is its only pl.: (M:) [but] the latter pl. occurs in a verse of Lebeed, (which see below,) as cited by AHn. (TA.) You say, قَعَدَ فِى أَصْلِ جَبَلِ He sat upon, or at, the lowest part [&c.] of the mountain; and فِى أَصْلِ الحَائِطِ at the lowest part [&c.] of the wall. (TA.) And قَلَعَهُ مِنْ أَصْلِهِ [He pulled it up, or out, or off, from its root, or foundation, or lowest part]; and بأُصُولِهِ [with its roots, or foundations, or lowest parts; both meaning, utterly, entirely, or altogether]. (TA in explanation of استأصلهُ, q. v.) And قَلَعَ أَصْلَ الشَّجَرَةِ He pulled up, or out, the lowest part, [or stem or stock or root or foot or stump,] of the tree. (TA.) Lebeed says, [of a wild cow,] “ تَجْتَافُ آصُلَ قَالِصٍ مُتَنَبِّذٍ
بِعُجُوبِ أَنْقَآءٍ يَمِيلُ هَيَامُهَا
” [She enters into the midst of the stems of trees with high branches, apart from others, i. e. from other trees, in the hinder parts of sand-hills, the fine loose sand thereof inclining upon her]: (AHn, TA:) but as some relate it, أَصْلًا قَالِصًا. (TA. [See EM, p. 161.]) ― -b2- A thing upon which another thing is built or founded [either properly or tropically]: (KT, Kull p. 50, TA:) the foundation, or basis, of a thing, [either properly or tropically,] which being imagined to be taken away, or abstracted, by its being taken away, or abstracted, the rest thereof becomes also taken away, or abstracted: (Er-Rághib, TA:) that upon which the existence of anything rests [or depends]; so the father is اصل to the offspring, and the river is اصل to the streamlet that branches off from it: (Msb:) or a thing upon which another thing depends as a branch; as the father in relation to the son: (Kull:) [i. e. the origin, source, beginning, or commencement, of a thing: the origin, original, root, race, or stock, from which a man springs. Hence شَىْءٌ لَهُ أَصْلٌ A thing having root, or a foundation; and consequently, having rootedness, fixedness, im- mobility, stability, or permanence; rooted, fixed, immoveable, stable, or permanent. Whence,] مَالٌ لَهُ أَصْلٌ, (Mgh voce عَقَارٌ,) and مِلْكٌ ثَابِتٌ لَهُ أَصْلٌ, (Msb in explanation of that word,) and مَا لَهُ أَصْلٌ, (KT in explanation of the same,) [Real, or immoveable, property;] property such as consists in a house or land yielding a revenue; (Mgh;) or such as a house and palm-trees; (Msb;) or such as land and a house. (KT.) [Hence, also, أَصْلٌ مَالٍ signifying A source of wealth or profit; a stock, fund, capital, or principal. You say,] اِتَّخَذْتُهُ لِنَفْسِى أَصْلَ مَالٍلِلنَّسْلِ لَا لِلِتِّجَارَةِ [I took it for myself as a source of wealth or profit, for breeding, not for traffic]. (Mgh in art. قنو.) You say also, بَاعَ أَصْلَ أَرْضِهِ [meaning He sold the fundamental property, i. e. the property itself, of his land]. (S voce عِكْرٌ.) [See also an ex. in conjugation 4 in art. بقَى: and another in the first paragraph of art. حبس.] And أَخَذَهُ بِأَصْلِهِ [He took it as it were with its root, or the like; meaning, entirely]. (K. [See أَصِيلَةٌ.]) And قَطَعَ أَصْلَهُمْ [He cut off their root, race, or stock; i. e. he extirpated them]. (M.) And فُلَانٌ فِى أَصْلِ صِدْقِ, (S and L in art. ضنأ,) and فِى أَصْلِ سُوْءٍ, (L ibid.,) Such a one is of an excel-lent origin, or race, or stock, (S, L,) and of a bad origin, or race, or stock; (L;) اصل being here syn. with ضِنْء (S, L) and مَعْدِن. (S.) And فُلَانٌ فِى أَصْلِ الكَرَمِ Such a one is of [a race] the source of generosity, or nobleness; اصل being here syn. with بُؤْبُؤ. (S in art. بأ.) And لَا أَصْلَ لَهُ وَ لَا فَصْلَ He has no حَسَب [i. e. grounds of pretension to respect or honour; or rank, or nobility, or the like]; nor tongue [i. e. eloquence]: (Ks, S, O, Msb:) or he has no intellect, (IAar, Msb, El-Munáwee,) nor eloquence: (El-Munáwee, TA:) or he has no lineage, nor tongue: (L:) or he has no father, nor child: (Kull p. 53:) [or he has no known stock nor branch; for] فَصْلٌ is the contr. of أَصْلٌ, and in relationship signifies a branch. (Msb in art. فصل.) You say also, مَا فَعَلْتُهُ أَصْلًا, meaning I have not done it ever; and I will not do it ever; the last word being in the accus. case as an adverbial noun; i. e. I have not done it at any time; and I will not do it at any time. (Msb, El-Munáwee, TA.) ― -b3- [It also signifies The original, or elemental, matter, material, substance, or part, of a thing; syn. with عُنْصُرٌ;] that from which a thing is taken [or made]. (KT voce دَاخِلٌ.) ― -b4- [The fundamental, or essential, part of a thing. Hence, sing. of أُصُولٌ as signifying The fundamentals, fundamental articles or dogmas, principles, elements, or rudiments, of a science &c. Whence,] عِلْمُ الأُصُولِ, (TA,) [meaning] عِلْمُ أُصُولِ الدِّينِ [The science of the fundamentals, fundamental articles or dogmas, or principles, of religion; the science of theology, or divinity; according to the system of the Muslims, as distinguished from that of the philosophers;] the science of the articles, or tenets, of belief; also called الفِقْهُ الأَكْبَرُ; (Kull. voce فِقْه;) and [more commonly] عِلْمُ الكَلَامِ. (Hájjee Khaleefeh.) [See also 2.] ― -b5- A radical (as opposed to an augmentative) letter; as being an essential element of a word. (The Lexicons passim.) ― -b6- The original form of a word. (The same passim.) ― -b7- The original, or primary, signification of a word. (The same passim.) ― -b8- An original copy of a book: and a copy of a book from which one quotes, or transcribes, any portion. (TA, &c., passim.) ― -b9- [The original, or primary, state, or condition: or] the old state, or condition. (Kull p. 50.) You say, الأَصْلُ فِى الأَشْيَآءِ الإِِبَاحَةُ وَ الطَّهَارَةُ The old state, or condition, of things is that of being allowable, or lawful, and that of being pure, or clean. (Kull ubi suprà.) And رَجَعَتْ إِِلَى أَصْلِهَا She returned, or reverted, [to her original, or old, state, or condition; or to her natural disposition;] to a natural disposition which she had relinquished. (S voce عِتْرٌ.) ― -b10- [The utmost point, or degree, to which a person, or thing, can go, or be brought or reduced: and, app., the utmost that one can do. Hence the saying,] لَأَضْطَرَّنَّكَ إِِلَى أَصْلِكَ [I will assuredly impel thee, or drive thee, against thy will, to the utmost point to which thou canst go, or be brought or reduced: or, constrain thee to do thine utmost]. (IAar in L, art. قح [where it is given in explanation of the phrases لَأَضْطَرَّنَّكَ and قُحَاحِكَ; and so in the T in art. تر in explanation of the former of these two phrases; which is said in the M, in art. تر, to mean I will assuredly make thee to have recourse to thine utmost effort, or endeavour; and in the L in art. قح this is given as another explanation of the latter of the same two phrases. See also the saying, لَأُلْجِئَنَّكَ إِِلَى قُرِّ قَرَارِكَ, explained voce قَرَارٌ.]) ― -b11- [That by being which a thing is what it is, or in being which it consists; or its ultimate constituent; syn. حَقِيقَةٌ; a meaning well known; and indicated, in the A and TA, by the coupling of حَقِيقَة with أَصْل, evidently as an explicative adjunct.] ― -b12- [The prime of a thing; the principal, purest, best, or choicest, part thereof; what is, or constitutes, the most essential part thereof; its very essence. Hence,] أَصْلُ دَارٍ [The principal part of a country]; (As, S, Msb, K, voce عَقْرٌ;) [which is] the place where the people dwell, or abide. (As and S ibid. [See عَقْرٌ.]) And أَصْلٌ قَوْمٍ [The principal place of abode of a people]. (S and K voce بَيْضَةٌ. [See this word.]) And هُوَ فِى أَصْلِ قَوْمِهِ He is of the prime, or of the purest in race, the best, or the choicest, of his people; i. q. صُيَّابَتِهِمْ, and صُيَّابِهِمْ. (TA in art. صيب.) ― -b13- What is most fit, or proper: as when one says, الأَصْلُ فِى الإِِنْسَانِ العِلْمُ [What is most fit, or proper, in man, is knowledge]; i. e., knowledge is more fit, or proper, than ignorance: and الأَصْلُ فِى المُبْتَدَإِِ التَّقْدِيمُ What is [most] fit, or proper, in the case of the inchoative, is the putting [it] before [the enunciative], whenever there is no obstacle. (Kull p.50.) ― -b14- What is preponderant in relation to what is preponderated: as, in language, the word used in its proper sense [in relation to that used in a tropical sense]. (Kull ibid.) ― -b15- What is [essential, or] requisite, or needful: as when one says الأَصْلُ فِى الحَيَوَانِ الغِذَآءُ [What is essential, or requisite, or needful, in the case of the animal, is food]. (Kull ibid.) ― -b16- A [primary, or] universal, or general, rule, or canon. (Kull ibid.) ― -b17- An indication, an evidence, or a proof, in relation to that which is indicated, or evidenced, or proved. (Kull ibid.)

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