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So saying, he hied him to his lordly halls,
summoned his steeds, and with pleased eye surveyed
their action proud: them Orithyia, bride
of Boreas, to Sire Pilumnus gave,
which in their whiteness did surpass the snow
in speed the wind. The nimble charioteers
stood by and smote with hollowed hand and palm
the sounding chests, or combed the necks and manes.
But he upon his kingly shoulders clasped
his corselet, thick o'erlaid with blazoned gold
and silvery orichalch; he fitted him
with falchion, shield, and helm of purple plume,
that falchion which the Lord of Fire had made
for Daunus, tempering in the Stygian wave
when white it glowed; next grasped he the good spear
which leaned its weight against a column tall
in the mid-court, Auruncan Actor's spoil,
and waved it wide in air with mighty cry:
“O spear, that ne'er did fail me when I called,
the hour is come! Once mighty Actor's hand,
but now the hand of Turnus is thy lord.
Grant me to strike that carcase to the ground,
and with strong hand the corselet rip and rend
from off that Phrygian eunuch: let the dust
befoul those tresses, tricked to curl so fine
with singeing steel and sleeked with odorous oil.”
Such frenzy goads him: his impassioned brow
is all on flame, the wild eyes flash with fire.
Thus, bellowing loud before the fearful fray,
some huge bull proves the fury of his horns,
pushing against a tree-trunk; his swift thrusts
would tear the winds in pieces; while his hoofs
toss up the turf and sand, rehearsing war.

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