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1 tam Peter; tantum P, Petsehenig. where his arrival is commemorated on coins inscribed Adventui Aug(usti) Bithyniae (Cohen, ii 2, p. 109, Nos. 26 and 27) and Restitutori Bithyniae (id., p. 210 f., Nos. 1238-1246). He then travelled through Mysia, founding the town of Hadrianotherae (see c. xx. 13), to Ilion and thence southward to Ephesus. From here he sailed to Rhodes (see an inscription from Ephesus, Dittenberger, Sylloge 2, No. 388), northwest through the Aegean to Samothrace and Thrace (see an inscription from Callipolis of 123-124, C.I.G., 2013). Thence he visited the provinces of Moesia and Dacia (see Weber, p. 150 f.), and travelled southward through Macedonia and Thessaly to Athens, where he arrived probably in September, 124.

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