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So the spies were sent back after they had seen all and returned to Europe. After sending the spies, those of the Greeks who had sworn alliance against the Persian next sent messengers to Argos. [2] Now this is what the Argives say of their own part in the matter. They were informed from the first that the foreigner was stirring up war against Hellas. When they learned that the Greeks would attempt to gain their aid against the Persian, they sent messengers to Delphi to inquire of the god how it would be best for them to act, for six thousand of them had been lately1 slain by a Lacedaemonian army and Cleomenes son of Anaxandrides its general. For this reason, they said, the messengers were sent. [3] The priestess gave this answer to their question: “Hated by your neighbors, dear to the immortals,
Crouch with a lance in rest, like a warrior fenced in his armor,
Guarding your head2 from the blow, and the head will shelter the body.

This answer had already been uttered by the priestess when the envoys arrived in Argos and entered the council chamber to speak as they were charged. [4] Then the Argives answered to what had been said that they would do as was asked of them if they might first make a thirty years peace with Lacedaemonia and if the command of half the allied power were theirs. It was their right to have the full command, but they would nevertheless be content with half.

1 In the battle of Tiryns, 494; cp. Hdt. 6.77.

2 That is, those with full citizenship, the nucleus of the population;σῶμα being the remainder.

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