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1 اَوڤهَ and 2: see 5. 5 تأوّه ذ ; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) and ↓ أوّه , (S, Mgh, K,) inf. n. تَأْوِيةٌ; (S, K;) and ↓ آهَ , inf. n. أَوْهٌ; (K;) He said آهِ or أَوْهِ &c. [i. e. Ah! or alas!]; (S, Mgh, K;) he moaned; or uttered a moan, or moaning, or prolonged voice of complaint; (S, TA;) i. q. تَوَجَّعَ. (Msb.) آهِ آه آة , (Az, S, Msb, K, &c.,) as also آهٍ, (IAmb, K,) and آهًا, and ↓ آهَةً , (TA,) and ↓ أَوْهِ , (S, Msb, K,) and ↓ أَوْهَ , (ISd, K,) and ↓ أَوْهُ , (K,) and ↓ أَوِّهْ , (S,) or ↓ أَوِّهِ , (K,) and ↓ أَوَّهْ , (Hr, Mgh, Msb, K,) so in some copies of the S, but in a copy in the author's handwriting ↓ آوَّهْ , there said to be with medd, and with teshdeed and fet-h to the و, and with the ه quiescent, (TA,) [or,] accord. to Aboo- Tálib, آوَّهْ, with medd, thus pronounced by the vulgar, is wrong, (T in art. او,) and ↓ أَوَّاه , and ↓ أَوُّوه , [in both of which, and in some other forms which follow, it is doubtful whether the ه be quiescent or movent, and if movent, with what vowel,] (TA,) and ↓ آوُوهُ , (K, TA,) or ↓ أَوُوهُ , but said by ISd to be with medd, and mentioned by AHát as heard from the Arabs, (TA,) and ↓ أَوَتَاه , (K, TA,) or ↓ أَوَتَاهُ , (CK,) or ↓ أَوَّتَاه , and ↓ آوَّتَاه , (S, [in one copy of which the ه is marked as quiescent,]) and ↓ آوَيَّاه , (K, TA,) with medd, (TA,) or ↓ أَوِيَّاهُ , (CK,) and أَوِّ (S, Msb, K,) and آوِ, and آوٍ, (K, TA,) and وَاهًا, and هَاهٌ or هَاهُ, (TA,) [Ah! or alas!] a word imitative of the voice, cry, or exclamation, of the مُتَأَهِّه; (Az and TA in explanation of آهِ;) [i. e.] a word expressive of pain, grief, sorrow, lamentation, complaint, or moaning; (S, Mgh, Msb, K, TA;) denoting the prolongation of the voice with complaint: (S, TA, after أَوَّهْ or آوَّهْ:) sometimes, also, a man says آهِ from a motive of affection, or pity, or compassion, and of impatience: (Az, TA:) [and it is also said that] آهًا is a word expressive of grief or lamentation, or of most intense grief or lamentation or regret; [that] it is put in the accus. case as being used in the manner of inf. ns.; and [that] the hemzeh is originally و: but IAth says, آهًا is a word expressive of pain, grief, sorrow, lamentation, complaint, or moaning, used in relation to evil, like as وَاهًا is used in relation to good: (TA in art. اه:) and آوَّهْ and آوِ and آوٍ are cries uttered to horses, to make them return. (ISh and TA in art. اوى. See 2 in that art. in the present work.) You say, آهِ مِنْ كَذَا [Ah, or alas, on account of, or for, such a thing!]; (S, Msb;) and in like manner, أَوْهِ [&c.], followed by مِنْ, and by لِ, (S, TA,) and by عَلَى. (TA.) [See also أَوِّ in art. او.] آهَةٌ آهه آهة a subst. from تَأَوَّهَ; occurring in the saying of El-Muthakkib El-'Abdee, “ إِِذَا مَاقُمْتُ أَرْحَلُهَا بِلَيْلٍ
تَأَوَّهُ آهَةَ الرَّجُلِ الحَزِينِ
” [When I arise to saddle her, by night, she moans with the moaning of the sorrowful man]: (S, ISd:) ISd says that, in his opinion, the subst. is here put in the place of the inf. n., i. e. تَأَوُّه: (TA:) but some recite the verse differently, saying, أَهَّةَ, from أَهَّ meaning تَوَجَّعَ: (S:) and some say, تَهَوَّهُ هَاهَةَ. (TA.) And hence the saying, in imprecating evil on a man, آهَةً لَكَ [May God cause moaning to thee!], and أَوَّةً لَكَ, with the ه suppressed, and with teshdeed to the و. (S.) [See also أَوَّةٌ in art. او.] And see آهِ above. -A2- [Also] Measles: thus in the phrase, used in imprecating evil on a man, آهَةً وَمَاهَةً [May God cause] measles and small-pox [to befall thee]! (K, * TA,) mentioned by Lh on the authority of Aboo-Khálid. (TA.) أَوْهِ ذ and ٰأَوْهَ and أَوْهُ and أَوِّه &c.: see آهِ. أَوَّاهٌ ذ A man often saying Ah! or alas! or often moaning: (Mgh:) or one who says Ah! or alas! from a motive of affection, or pity, or compassion, and fear: or mourning, or sorrowing, much, or often: (TA:) or compassionate; tender-hearted: or often praying, or frequent in prayer: (K, * TA:) or one who celebrates the praises of God, or praises Him greatly, or glorifies Him: or who praises much, or often: or who abases himself, or addresses himself with earnest supplication, [to God], confident of his prayer's being answered: (TA:) or one having certain knowledge (K, TA) of his prayer's being answered: (TA:) or inviting much, or often, to what is good: (TA:) or skilled in the law: or a believer; so in the Abyssinian language: (K:) occurring in the Kur [ix. 115 and xi. 77]. (TA.) -A2- See also آهِ. أَوُوهُ ذ , or آوُوهُ, and أَوُّوه: see آهِ. أَوَتَاه ذ , or أَوَتَاهُ, or أَوَّتَاه, and آوَّتَاه: see آهِ. أَوِيَّاهُ ذ , or آوَيَّاه: see آهِ. مُتَأَوِّهٌ ذ [Saying Ah! &c.: (see the verb:) and] abasing himself; or addressing himself with earnest supplication [to God]. (TA.) [See also أَوَّاهٌ.]

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