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non nulli, etc.: it should be remembered that there were many well-intentioned citizens who either doubted the existence of a conspiracy or thought Cicero's fears of it greatly exaggerated; and that' even among those who admitted the fact there was considerable variety of partisan feeling.

videant, dissimulent: subj. of charact. (not coord. with dicerent), expressing the character of the men referred to, while aluerunt, etc. (l. 11), merely gives additional facts about them (hence indic.).

regie, despotically: the Roman idea of a king and kingly government was associated with Tarquinius Superbus. Here the word also implies the assumption of unlawful power (= tyrannice), as well as its abuse.

nunc, as it is

quo: § 308, g (201,f 2); cf. G. 611, R.1; the antecedent is in castra.

improbum, dishonest

hoc . . . interfecto, disguised fut. protasis; § 521, a (310, a); B. 305, I; G. 600, I; H. 575, 9 (507, N.7); H-B. 578, 6; the apod. posse is fut. in sense: § 516, d, 584, b (307, d); G. 248, R.; H.-B. 472, d.

ejecerit: for tense, see § 516, c (307, c); G. 244, 2; H. 574, 2 (508, 2); Cf. H.-B. 577, a.

eodem, to the same place.

adulta, full-grown, as opposed to stirps, the root (properly the stock from which new shoots may spring out), and semen, the seed.

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