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non Ti. Gracchus, etc.: to preserve the emphasis, render it is not Ti. Gracchus who, etc. For the historical allusions, cf. Cat. 1, sects. 3, 4 (p. 100), and notes.

agrarios: see note on p. 147, l. 29.

Memmium: C. Memmius, one of the most upright men of his time; he was a candidate for the consulship against Glaucia, and was murdered by instigation of Glaucia and Saturninus (B.C. ion).

tenentur, are in custody: to preserve the emphasis we may Change the voice, - we have in our hands.

vestram Omnium: § 302, e (184, d); B. 243,3, a; G.321, R.2; H-B. 339, b.

ut. . . nemo: instead of the usual ne quis or ne quisquam because of the following ne . . . quidem; § 538, 310, a, b (319, d, R., cf. 105, d, N.); G. 543, 4, cf. 317, I; H. 568, Cf. 513 (497, ii, cf. 457); Cf. H.-B. 276, I and 7.

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