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I. Exordium

Solicitude of the Senate for Cicero. But the question of the traitors' doom must be settled without regard to such considerations.

si haec, etc., i.e. if the consulship has been given me on these terms.

at ... perferrem, subst. clause of purpose in apposition with condicio.

ego sum ille consul, I am a consul (i.e. that kind of consul).

aequitas: in the Forum was the tribunal of the praetor who administered justice between citizens.

campus: see note on Cat. 1, sect. 11 (p. 104, l. 7).

auspicus: the taking of the auspices always preceded the election.

The Roman commonwealth was regarded as depending directly upon the will of the gods. Their will was thought to be expressed in signs sent by them (auspicia). These could be observed only under the supervision of the board of augurs, a body whose duty it was to know the rules of interpretation as a special science called jus augurium. Most public acts of any kind had to be performed auspicato, especially the holding of all public assemblies in which business was transacted. Thus the Campus was "consecrated by auspices" every time that the comitia centuriata were held.

auxilium: the Roman Senate, having the management of foreign affairs, was at this time a great court of appeal for subject or friendly nations.

sedes lionoris, i.e. the sella curulis or seat used by the curule magistrates: viz. interrex, dictator, magister equitum, consul, praetor censor, and curule aedile. It was like a modern camp-stool without back or sides, with crossed legs of ivory, so that it could be folded up and carried with the magistrate wherever he went. The bracketed words sella curalis are doubtless an explanatory marginal note.

fuit: we should expect the subj. of characteristic, but the indic. is used (as often) to emphasize the fact.

at . . . eriperem (l.15, below): subst. clause of result, in appos. with exitum (l.10).

foedissima, horrible, with the added idea of polluting things sacred.

sabeatur, hortatory subjunctive.

fatale: see Cat. 3, sect. 9 (p.130).

laeter: § 444 (268); B. 277; G. 466; H. 559, 4 (484, v); H-B. 513, I: apodosis, see § 515, a (306, a); G. 595; H. 586 (508, 4); H-B. 582, I.

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hide References (4 total)
  • Commentary references from this page (4):
    • Cicero, Against Catiline, 1.11
    • Cicero, Against Catiline, 3.9
    • A. A. Howard, Benj. L. D'Ooge, G. L. Kittredge, J. B. Greenough, Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar, 444
    • A. A. Howard, Benj. L. D'Ooge, G. L. Kittredge, J. B. Greenough, Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar, 515
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