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cum (causal) viderem, seeing: its obj. is fore ut possem (which is the apod. of si multassem) ; § 569, a (288, f); B. 270,3; G. 248; H. 619, 2 (537,3); H-B. 472, c

ne . . . probata: nearly equivalent to cum ne vos quidem. . . probaretis: implying that if they do not sustain the act, much less will the people at large.

multassem: for fut. perf. of direct; § 589, 3 (337, 3); B. 319, B; G. 657, 5; H. 646 (527, i).

fore ut, the result would be that, etc.

at . . . possetis, result clause explaining huc.

videretis: § 593 (342); B. 324, I G. 663, I; H. 652 (529, ii); H.-B. 539; if not dependent on possetis, it would be videbetis.

quem quidem, whom, by the way.

intellegatis: § 565 (331, i); B. 295, 6; G. 553, 2; H. 564, ii, I (499, 3); H-B. 531, 2.

quod . . . exierit: § 592, 3(341, d); B. 323; G. 539; H. 588, ii (5I6, ii); H-B. 535, 2, N.2.

mihi: eth. dat.; as if, I notice; § 380 (236); B. 188, 2, b; G. 351; 11.432 (389); H.-B. 372.

aes alienum, etc., i.e. petty debts run up in cook-shops and the like; not like the heavy mortgages spoken of afterwards.

reliquit: notice the emphatic position.

quos viros: for a characterization of Catiline's partisans, see sects. 18-23.

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