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ejecimus, expelled (with violence); emisimus, let [him] go. The words vel . . . vel (or, if you like) imply that the same act may be called by either name.

ipsum, of his own accord.

verbis prosecuti may apply as well to kind words of dismissal as to invective.

abiit, simply, is gone; excessit, has retreated before the storm; evasit, has escaped by stealth; erupit, has broken forth with violence, — a climax of expression, but nearly identical in sense.

moenibus (dat. following comparabitur), against, etc.

atque (adding with emphasis), and so.

hunc quidem, him at any rate.

sine controversia, without dispute unquestionably.

versabitur, will be busy.

campo, foro, curia, parietes: observe the narrowing climax.

loco motus est, he lost his vantage-ground: a military expression, hence the simple abl.; § 428, f (258, a, N.2); cf. B. 229, I; G. 390, 2, N.2; H. 463 (414, ii); H-B. 408, 2, a.

nullo impediente, i.e. his defenders till now could screen him by forms of law.

justum (if retained in the text), regular, in due form; cf. note on latrocinio, p. 109,1. I.

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