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ominibus, prospects. What Cicero has just said (p.112,11. I 1-16) makes the omen under which Catiline is to depart, — an omen of good for the state, but of evil for him.

Juppiter: thus the oration closes with a prayer to Jupiter Stator, in whose temple the Senate was now assembled.

Statorem, the Stay. The name was apparently first given to Jupiter as the Stayer (sto, sisto) of flight (see note to sect. 11, p.104, 1. I), but it is here applied to him as the Stay (supporter) of the Roman state, a meaning which the word may well have from its derivation.

arcebis, used as a mild imperative; § 449, b (269,f); B. 261, 3; G. 2651; H. 560, 4, N. (487, 4); H.-B. 572.

latrones: cf. latrocinium in sect. 27 (p. 109, l. 32).

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