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quo, wherefore: § 414, a, N. (250, N.); H.-B. 424, a.

vestris, etc.: observe the contrast between vestris and deorum, which is emphasized by their respective positions.

non ferendas, intolerable for arrogance.

ille, etc.: anaphora; § 641 (386); B. 350, II, b; cf. G. 682; H. 666, I (636, iii, 3); H.-B. 632,5.

illa, etc.: omit the words in brackets as being a manifest gloss.

consilium, etc.: cf. the proverb, quem deus perdere volt, prius dementat

at introduces the result clause at . . . neglegerent, with which id is in apposition, the whole forming the subject of esse factum.

gens refers here to the Gauls as a whole, not to the Allobroges in particular.

patricus: the old patricians, though having no special political privileges, still retained considerable prestige as an hereditary aristocracy. cf. note on Verres 1.1 (p. 28, l. 2). Of the conspirators, Catiline, Lentulus, and Cethegus were patricians.

qui . . . saperare potuerint: cf. note on p. 131, l. 8; qui, as subject of the charact. clause, may be translated by when they.

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