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ἐπεβάτευον: besides the ἐπιχώριοι ἐπιβάται (cf. 184 n.). The sen tence reads like a later insertion as it breaks the connexion; cf. τούτων and τούτοισι.

ἐξέργομαι: naturally ‘I am precluded from’, negative, as apparently in ix. 111. 1, ‘prevented from refusing by the custom,’ has here positive force, ‘I am constrained by’ (cf. ch. 139), and is equivalent to ἐξαναγκάζομαι (ii. 3. 2, cf. ch. 99. 1).

ἐς ἱστορίης λόγον, ‘for the purpose of my history.’ Here only in H. does ἱστορίη bear the meaning history which later became common. To avoid this Macan would translate, ‘I am not compelled by the necessity of my argument to give any account of my inquiries on that head.’

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