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πολιορκηθέντες: cf. ch. 28. The blockade showed them the necessity of equipping a fleet.

ἐκ τῆς ἠπείρου. On the opposite coast of Thrace the Thasians held Stryme, Galepsus, Osyme, Daton, Scaptesyle, &c. (vii. 108, 118, ix. 75; Thuc. i. 100, iv. 107). From these mines the state drew its ordinary revenue, royalties, &c., while the citizens were free from land-tax and apparently all direct taxes (§ 3). Thasos is said to have spent four hundred talents in entertaining Xerxes (vii. 118); its tribute to Athens at its highest was only thirty talents, which is, however, as much as was paid by any state.

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