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ἐπ᾽ ὅρκου: a curious and unparalleled variant for σὺν ὅρκῳ (Xen. Cyr. ii. 3. 12, &c.). Stein compares Antiphon, Tetr. i. 3, 8, p. 119 ἐπὶ τῶν μαρτύρων, and Dionys. v. 29 πίστεις δοῦναι ἐπὶ τῶν θεῶν.

Ὀρέσθειον must not be confused with Orestia, called Oresteion by Euripides (Orest. 1647; cf. El. 1273 f.), the southern half of Megalopolis (Steph. Byz.) towards Messene (cf. Paus. viii. 34. 1-4), but must be identified with the Oresthasion of Pausanias (viii. 3. 1, 2, 44. 2), called Orestheion in Thuc. v. 64, Plut. Ar. 10. Oresthasion is placed by Loring (J. H. S. xv. 27 f.) above the little plain of Alea between Marmaria and Papari. It lay not on the direct route from Sparta to Tegea and the north, which led too near the Argolid and through Mantinea, but on an alternative route up the Eurotas towards Megalopolis, which turned near Oresthasium to Area Pal lantium and the plain of Tegea and Mantinea (cf. Loring, op. cit. route c, pp. 47-52). It was used by the Spartans again in 418 B. C. (Thuc. v. 64) for the same reason, and served then as a musteringplace for their Arcadian allies.

ξείνους: Cic. de Off. i. 12. 37 (cf. ch. 53. 2, 55. 2) ‘equidem etiam illud animadverto, quod qui proprio nomine perduellis esset is hostis vocaretur, lenitate verbi rei tristitiam mitigatam. hostis enim apud maiores nostros is dicebatur quem nunc peregrinum dicimus’.

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