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Λευκὴ Ἀκτή: a headland on the Propontis (Scylax, Periplus, 68; Lysias, v. Alc. § 27, p. 142, with Harpocration (s. v.)), near the Thracian Chersonese. H. first mentions the chief magazine, which would serve for the first march or two from Abydos, then the others in order from east to west.

Τυρόδιζα: said to be (Steph. Byz.) ‘a city of Thrace, after Serrhium’ in the tribute-list of 425 B. C. (Hicks, 64). Now Serrhium is near Doriscus (Liv. xxxi. 16) and Cape Serrhium (ch. 59. 2) = Cape Makri, but Tyrodiza belongs to the Hellespontine not the Thracian district, and such a situation is more in accordance with its dependence on Perinthus, hence Stein seems right in identifying it with Τειρίστασις, placed by Scylax (68), just after Leuce Acte, and in interpreting the common Thracian termination διζα as equivalent to στασις. At Doriscus (ch. 58), Eion (ch. 113), and Therma (121) the army halted.

ἐπὶ Στρυμόνι: added to distinguish this Eion (cf. viii. 118. 1; Thuc. i. 98, iv. 50) from Ἠιὼν ἐπὶ Θρᾴκης Μενδαίων ἀποικία (Thuc. iv. 7), apparently in Chalcidice on the Thermaic gulf.

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