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[381] ὑπέρτατος, the top of a heap of stones piled up by way of ammunition against the breastwork. The acc. ἔπαλξιν may be explained perhaps by the use of “κεῖμαι” as a perf. of “τίθημι”, and so implying motion. But we should expect “ἐπάλξει”, for the use of “παρά” with acc., without a verb of motion, is used only of one thing, or series of things, stretching along another. οὐδέ κέ μιν ῥέα: Brandreth conj. “οὐδέ κε ῥεῖα χειρί ϝε τῆι ἑτέρηι” (“χερσί μιν ἀμφοτέρηισιν ἀνὴρ ἔχοι” Nauck), Menrad “οὔ κέ ϝε ῥεῖα”.

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