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[212] For κυκλόσ᾽ Ar. strangely read “κύκλος” as = “κύκλος γενόμενοι”, comparing “ἀγρόμενοι πᾶς δῆμος20.166. But, as Herodianos remarks, this is a quite insufficient analogy, as “κύκλος” is not a noun of multitude like “δῆμος”. He therefore supports Nikias and Ptolemy of Askalon in reading “κυκλόσ᾽”. Cf. 17.392. ἰσόθεος φώς is more naturally taken to mean Machaon than Menelaos; “παρίστατο” as usual signifying ‘came up,’ and the apodosis beginning with “ δέ”.

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