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[180] 180-86 were athetized by Ar. “ὅτι εὐτελεῖς εἰσὶ τῆι κατασκευῆι καὶ τοῖς νοήμασι, καὶ οἱ λόγοι οὐ πρέποντες τῶι τοῦ Ἀχιλλέως προσώπωι”. But the same objections might be urged against the whole of this dialogue.

Aineias' pretensions to the crown are explained in 213-41. See also note on 13.460. “ Τρώεσσιν ” is locative, as usual, the gen. τιμ̂ης being used of the thing ruled over, e.g. Od. 24.30τιμῆς ἧσπερ ἄνασσες” (see H. G. §§ 145. 7, 151 f); to be master of Priam's dignity among the Trojans. τιμ̂ης τ̂ης Πριάμου is a late construction; see H. G. § 260 g; the other instances are all in Od. or “Ι, Κ, Ψ”.

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