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[288] κατεβήσετο should naturally imply coming down from the upper storey; but that explanation will not suit 24.191 or Od. 2.337, and even here we have no hint that Hekabe has first gone up. The treasure-chamber is in the midst of the house, and presumably had no windows; “κατα-” may possibly imply going from light into darkness, much as we speak of ‘plunging into the depths of a wood’ without any thought of a literal descent. With 288-95 cf. Od. 15.99-108 where several lines are nearly identical (288 = Od. 15.99, 289 = Od. 15.105, 293-5 = Od. 15.106-8). From Od. 15.104 comes the variant “ δ᾽ εἰς οἶκον ἰοῦσα παρίστατο φωριαμοῖσιν”. which does not suit here, as Hekabe is already in the “οἶκος” (286). κηώεντα: 3.382.

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