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[394] ἐπέκερσε, cf. 15.467, 16.120, where the verb is used in a metaphorical sense. Here we may equally translate ‘cut off, thwarted’; the sense seems to be that Patroklos outstrips the foremost battalions of the Trojans and stops their career. The variant “πρώταις ἐνέκερσε φάλαγξι” of probably a reminiscence of “πυκινῆις ἐνέκυρσε φάλαγξι,13.145 (cf. “ἐπέκυρσε” in T, etc.). “ἀπέκερσε” of QS would exactly represent our cut off from retreat, and is what we should expect to find. The word recurs only in the literal sense, 10.456, etc., but cf. “ἀποτμήγειν10.364, 11.468, 22.456.

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