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[816] THE CATALOGUE OF THE TROJANS differs notably from that of the Greeks in the evident want of detailed knowledge of the countries with which it deals. Three groups of towns are given, two without any tribal names (828 f., 835 f., 853 f.), all lying along the Hellespont and the south shore of the Euxine. Niese suggests that these may probably be taken from an early form of the Argonautic legend, as they all lie on the course there taken. The rest of the Catalogue contains only names of tribes with occasional mention of a single city. The arrangement of the allies is radial, not concentric, along four lines running NW. (844-50), E. (851-7), SE. (858-63), S. (864-77), the extremity of each line being marked by “τῆλε” or “τηλόθεν”. The Trojans and allied tribes form a central group (816-43). There are serious differences from the rest of the Iliad; for instance in 10.428 ff. we have a list of Trojan allies omitting the Paphlagonians (who do not reappear in the Iliad) and Kikones (17.73 only, and Od.), but including the Leleges and Kaukones whom this Catalogue omits, though they are named again in 20.96, 329, 21.86. Ennomos (860) and Nastes and Amphinomos (875) are not slain by Achilles in the fight at the river as we have it in “Φ”. In 14.511 the leader of the Mysians is not Chromis or Ennomos, but Hyrtios. On the other hand, several lines seem to be taken from the Iliad, e.g. 822 from 12.99 f., 837-9 from 12.95-7, 831-4 from 11.329-32. This all seems to point to older material worked up and partly adapted to this place. κορυθαίολος explained “ αἰόλλων, κινῶν τὴν κόρυθαwaving the helm, or more simply with sparkling helm, cf. note on 5.707. Grammarians and MSS. vary in the accent, many writing “-αιόλος” as in the simple adj.

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