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[765] ὄτριχας οἰετέας, one in coats and in years. The “ὀ-” is the same as in “ὄπατρος,11.257, but the relation of it to the commoner “ἁ-” (for sm-, short form of sem-, one) is not clear. Cf. also “ὀγάστωρ: ὁμογάστωρ” by the side of “ἀγάστορες: ἀδελφοὶ δίδυμοι” in Hesych., and “ὁμός” by “ἅμα”. The “-ι-” of “οἰετέας” presumably represents only the lengthening by ictus before “ϝ” of “ὀϝετέας”. Cf. Hesych. “αὐετῆ: τὰ αὐτοετῆ” beside “ἀετέα: τὰ τῶι αὐτῶι ἔτει γεννώμενα”, and again “ὑετής: αὐτοετής”. Wackernagel's explanation “οἰϝοϝετής” (“οἰϝος” = one) leaves the other forms unaccounted for. See Schulze Q. E. p. 495. σταφύλη (distinguished by accent from “σταφυλή”, a bunch of grapes) is explained by Schol. A as “λαοξοϊκὸς διαβήτης, ὃς ἅμα πλάτος καὶ ὕψος μετρεῖ”, i.e. the still familiar mason's level, consisting of a plummet hanging in a T-square. The sense is that the two mares were exactly of equal height at every point as measured by a level across their backs. Reichel remarks (H. W. 22) that such equality was important when horses were harnessed to the same yoke across their necks.

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