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[424] For τε σόηι Nauck reads “σαόηι”, Brandreth “τε σαῶι”. This verb has got into great confusion in the MSS. owing to wrong ‘diectasis’ of contractions. But with the exception of Od. 5.490σώζων”, an altogether later form (unless we read “σαόων” there), all can be reduced to “σαόειν” (with perhaps a non-thematic form “σάωμι”). “σώειν” (Od. 9.430), “σώεσκον” (8.363) will be for “σαόειν, σαόεσκον” under the influence of “σώζειν”. Similarly we can always read “σάος” for “σῶς” (except 22.332). The original form “σάϝος” is attested by the name “Σαϝοκλέϝης” in a Cyprian inscr. The question is not certain, however; it is quite possible that there may really have been, as Schulze thinks (Q. E. pp. 397 f.), two stems “σω”(“ϝ”) and “σα”(“ϝ”), giving rise between them to a third, “σο”(“ϝ”). He regards “σόωσι” in 393 and “σόηι” here as belonging to an aor. “ἔσοον”. But in 393 “σόωσι” (i.e. “σάωσι” as Apio read) may equally be referred to a non-thematic “σάωμι” following the analogy of “δῶσι”, etc., and Brandreth's “σαῶι” here might be defended as an analogical singular. See H. G. § 81, and cf. note on 681.

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