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[100] On account of the hiatus P. Knight and Heyne conj. “μή” for οὐ (the statement, however, ‘adscriptum hoc erat in Townl.’ has no foundation in fact'. But “οὐ” is the regular particle in relative clauses with the indic. in H., 2.302 being the only exception (H. G. § 359 b). Brandreth conj. “ κ᾽ οὐ”. On the form ἔφασκον as an exception to the rule that iteratives in -“σκω” do not take the augment see H. G. §§ 69, 49. The only other instance of it in the Iliad is 19.297, but it occurs eleven times in Od. (The rule is denied by van L. Ench. p. 362: but “εἴασκεν” (-“ον”) which he quotes as an exception is probably for “ἐάεσκεν”.)

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