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[156] παρήορος seems to mean sprawling, having passed through the sense of ‘dangling loosely’ from that of ‘hung on at the side,’ which we have in the case of the trace-horse. Cf. Aisch. Prom. 363ἀχρεῖον καὶ παράορον δέμας”. So in 23.603 it means ‘loose, uncontrolled,’ in mind. For πολλός in the sense of ‘big’ cf. 11.307, 23.245, 18.493, etc., Herod.vii. 14μέγας καὶ πολλὸς ἐγένεο”, Hippol. 1 “πολλὴ μὲν ἐν βροτοῖσι .. Κύπρις”, cf. 443; and often. The combination “πολλός τις” is common in Herod., but is not elsewhere found in Homer.

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