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[756] κεκλ́ηγοντες, constr. ad sensum as though “ψᾶρες .. κολοιοί” had preceded. For the form see on 16.430. οὖλον, a very obscure epithet as applied to a shout. There are three distinct words of this form: (1) “οὖλος ὄλος” for “ὅλϝος” (Skt. sarvas), Od. 17.343, Od. 24.118; (2) “οὖλος” = woolly (*“ϝολνο”- conn. with vellus, etc.); (3) “οὖλος” = “ὀλοός” (*“ὀλνο”-?), deadly, B 6, 21.536, etc. This division is established by Buttmann, Lexil. s. v., in an article which is still worth studying. He is probably right in referring the present passage to (3) in the sense shrieking a cry of destruction, as we speak of a death-shriek. Others refer it to (2), ‘a confused, thick cry’; but ‘a woolly cry,’ as it would literally be, is by no means in the Epic style.

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