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[593] With this dance of youths and maidens compare the interesting description of the dance called “ὅρμος” in Lucian “περὶ ὀρχ”. §§ 12-13: “ δὲ ὅρμος ὄρχησίς ἐστι κοινὴ ἐφήβων τε καὶ παρθένων, παρ᾽ ἕνα χορευόντων καὶ ὡς ἀληθῶς ὅρμωι ἐοικότων: καὶ ἡγεῖται μὲν ἔφηβσὁ τὰ νεανικὰ ὀρχούμενος καὶ ὅσοις ὕστερον ἐν πολέμωι χρήσεται, παρθένος δὲ ἕπεται κοσμίως τὸ θῆλυ χορεύειν διδάσκουσα, κτλ. ἀλφεσίβοιαι”, ‘earning oxen’ as “ἕδνα” or brideprice for their parents. “ἀλφάνειν” is always used in H. of a human chattel ‘realising’ a price; 21.79, Od. 15.453, Od. 20.383. For the form cf. H. G. § 124 c.

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