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[175] ἐπιθύουξι, for the transition from the subordinate participial to the coordinate construction cf. 3.80ἰοῖσίν τε τιτυσκόμενοι λάεσσί τ᾽ ἔβαλλον”. The verb might be divided “ἐπι- θύουσι”, with “ι” lengthened by ictus; but it is better to take it “ἐπ- ιθύουσι”, cf. also Od. 16.297ὡς ἄν ἐπιθύσαντες ἑλοίμεθα”. The simple “ἰθύω” is used similarly with an infin., Od. 22.408ἴθυσέν ῥ᾽ ὀλολύξαι,Od. 11.591τῶν ὁπότ᾽ ἰθύσει᾽ ο: γέρων ἐπὶ χερσὶ μάσασθαι”, while there is no analogous use of “θύω” or “θύνω. ἰθύω” elsewhere always has “υ^” in the pres.; the lengthening here is due to metrical necessity (App. D, B (2) “β”). Zen., having transferred 175-77 to 155 above, ended 174 with “προτὶ Ἴλιον αἰπὺ θέλοντες”, against the rule that H. has only the fem. “Ἴλιος”. See on O 71.

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