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[138] ἔρυτο with dat. like “ἀμύνειν τινί” (“τι”), but there is no other instance of this construction. We find the acc. of the person 13.555Νέστορος υἱὸν ἔρυτο”, of the thing 5.538 δ᾽ οὐκ ἔγχος ἔρυτο”, etc.; without an object expressed 5.23ἀλλ᾽ Ἥφαιστος ἔρυτο”. Here we may supply “ὀϊστόν” as object. εἴσατο, hastened, “ϝείσατο” from “ϝίεμαι”. The more correct form would be “ϝίσατο”, the spelling “-ει-” being due probably to the similar aor. of root “ϝιδ”. Ahrens was the first to point out that this verb has nothing to do with “ἵημι” (“σι-ση-μι”, root sē) or “εἶμι”, with both of which it has been confused. The original meaning seems to be aim at. The “ϝ” is always necessary or possible when this sense is appropriate, exc. (13.90 = 16.285?), 18.501, (24.462?), Od. 2.327, Od. 10.246, Od. 14.142, (Od. 15.213?).

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