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[856] In this line we appear to reach fairyland. The conjectural readings of the ancients (vide supra) shew that no identification with historical regions was possible. “Ἀλύβη”, as Strabo says, may be “Χαλύβη”: the Chalybes in historical times were famous miners, but produced iron only, not silver, Xen. Anab. v. 5. 1, Strabo pp. 549-51. Armenia however, close to them, was the home of silver (see O. Schrader Sprachv. und Urgesch. pp. 258 ff.). γενέθλη = birthplace only here. Paley compares “ἀργύρου πηγή” of the silver mines of Laurion in Aisch. Pers. 238.

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  • Commentary references from this page (2):
    • Aeschylus, Persians, 238
    • Xenophon, Anabasis, 5.5.1
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