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[235] ψεύδεσσι (“ψεῦδος”) Hermappias, “ψευδέσσι” (“ψευδής”) Ar.; on which a scholiast characteristically remarks “μᾶλλον πειστέον Ἀριστάρχωι τῶι Ἑρμαππίαι, εἰ καὶ δοκεῖ ἀληθεύειν”. It is true that “ἀρήγειν” and cognate forms are elsewhere only used by H. with personal datives, not with abstract words like “ψεῦδος”: but the idea of being ‘a helper for lies’ is not impossibly bold, and adjectives in “-ής”, from “-ες” stems, with the single exception of “ὑγιής” (8.524 only), are elsewhere in H. entirely restricted to compounds, such as “φιλοψευδής” (H. G. § 116. 5); the Homeric word for liar is “ψεύστης”.

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