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[703] ἔνθεν (at the place) whence. It would be easier to make it = “ἀφ᾽ ὧν” (sc. “ἑταίρων”), but the use of the rel. adverb with a personal antecedent is harsh. In 24.382ἄνδρας ἐς ἀλλοδαπούς, ἵνα περ τάδε τολ σόα μίμνηι” it is not certain that “ἵνα” is local (see note). In Od. 3.319ἄλλοθεν εἰλήλουθεν, ἐκ τῶν ἀνθρώπων ὅθεν κ.τ.λ., ἀνθρώπων” practically = land. The relative use of ἔνθεν is purely Odyssean (9 times) except here and 24.597.

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