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[462] τοῖσδεσσι, an obscure form recurring only in Od. (5 times), and therefore presumably not early. Herodianos attests the gen. “τῶνδεων” in Alkaios (fr. 127) “τοῖσδεσσι .. τοῦτο μιμούμενος Ἀλκαῖός φησιτῶνδεων,” ὅπερ τινὲς ἀγνοίαι τἀκριβοῦς ἀνέγνωσαντῶν δέωνἵν᾽ ἦι τῶν δεῖνα”. (This last opinion is shared by Hinrichs Aeol. 115, who refers “-δεσσι” to *“δείς” = “ δεῖνα”, cf. “οὐ-δείς”.) Thessalian genitives “τοίνεος” and “τοῦννεουν” are found in a Larissaean inscr. of the 3rd cent. B.C., and Plutarch (Alkib. 33) quotes a line from Kritias (5th cent. B.C.) “σφραγὶς δ᾽ ἡμετέρης γλώσσης ἐπὶ τοῖσδεσι κεῖται”. There can be little doubt, therefore, that the tradition is correct. In Od. 10.268 Ludwich's J reads “τοῖσιδε” for “τοῖσδεσι”, but this is evidently a corruption into the more familiar form, and does not justify “τοῖσινδε” here. See van L. Ench. p. 265.

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